Human Development (2015)
statistiques et cartes
Human Development Index and its components
Human Development Index (HDI)
Life expectancy at birth
Expected years of schooling
Mean years of schooling
Gross national income (GNI) per capita
Human Development Index trends
Average annual HDI growth 2010-2014
Average annual HDI growth 2000-2010
Average annual HDI growth 1990-2000
Average annual HDI growth 1990-2014
Human Development Index (HDI) 1990
Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index
Inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI)
Inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI), Overall loss
Coefficient of human inequality
Inequality in life expectancy
Inequality-adjusted life expectancy index
Inequality in education
Inequality-adjusted education index
Inequality in income
Inequality-adjusted income index
Income inequality, Quintile ratio
Income inequality, Palma ratio
Income inequality, Gini coefficient
Gender Development Index
Gender Development Index
Human Development Index (HDI), Female
Human Development Index (HDI), Male
Human Development Index (HDI), Female/Male
Life expectancy at birth, Female
Life expectancy at birth, Male
Life expectancy at birth, Female/Male
Expected years of schooling, Female
Expected years of schooling, Male
Expected years of schooling, Female/Male
Mean years of schooling, Female
Mean years of schooling, Male
Mean years of schooling, Female/Male
Estimated gross national income per capita, Female
Estimated gross national income per capita, Male
Estimated gross national income per capita, Female/Male
Gender Inequality Index
Gender Inequality Index
Maternal mortality ratio
Adolescent birth rate
Share of seats in parliament
Population with at least some secondary education, Female
Population with at least some secondary education, Male
Population with at least some secondary education, Female/Male
Labour force participation rate, Female
Labour force participation rate, Male
Labour force participation rate, Female/Male
Population trends
Total Population
Average annual growth 2014-2030
Average annual growth 2010-2015
Average annual growth 2000-2005
Urban Population
Ages 65 or older
Ages 15-64
Under age 5
Median age
Dependency ratio, Old age (65 or older)
Dependency ratio, Young age (0-14)
Total fertility rate 2010-2015
Total fertility rate 2000-2005
Sex ratio at birth
Health outcomes
Infants exclusively breastfed
Infants lacking immunization DTP
Infants lacking immunization Measles
Mortality rates, Infant
Mortality rates, Under-five
Child malnutrition
Adult mortality rate, Female
Adult mortality rate, Male
Adult mortality rate, Female/Male
Deaths due to Malaria
Deaths due to Tuberculosis
HIV prevalence, adult
Life expectancy at age 60
Public health expenditure
Education achievements
Literacy rate, Adult
Literacy rate, Youth, Female
Literacy rate, Youth, Male
Literacy rate, Youth, Female/Male
Population with at least some secondary education
Gross enrolment ratio, Pre-primary
Gross enrolment ratio, Primary
Gross enrolment ratio, Secondary
Gross enrolment ratio, Tertiary
Primary school dropout rate
Performance of 15-year-old students, Reading
Performance of 15-year-old students, Mathematics
Performance of 15-year-old students, Science
Primary school teachers trained to teach
Pupil-teacher ratio, primary school
Public expenditure on education
National income and composition of resources
Gross domestic product (GDP), Total
Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita
Gross fixed capital formation
General government final consumption expenditure
General government final consumption expenditure, Average annual growth 2005-2013
Total tax revenue
Taxes on income, profit and capital gain
Research and development expenditure
Debts, External debt stock
Debts, Total debt service
Prices, Consumer price index
Prices, Domestic food price level, Index
Prices, Domestic food price level, Volatility index
Environmental sustainability
Primary energy supply, Fossil fuels
Primary energy supply, Renewable sources
Electrification rate, Total
Electrification rate, Rural
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita
Carbon dioxide emissions per capita, Average annual growth 1970-2011
Natural resource depletion
Forest area
Forest area, Change 1990-2012
Deaths of children due to outdoor air pollution
Deaths of children due to indoor air pollution
Deaths of children due to poor water, sanitation or hygiene
Population living on degraded land
Natural disasters
Work and employment
Employment to population ratio
Labour force participation rate
Employment in agriculture
Employment in agriculture 1990-2012
Employment in services
Employment in services 1990-2012
Labour force with tertiary education
Vulnerable employment
Unemployment, Total
Unemployment, Long term
Unemployment, Youth
Youth not in school or employment
Output per worker
Hours worked per week
Work with exploitation, risks and insecurities
Child labour
Domestic workers, Female
Domestic workers, Male
Domestic workers, Female/Male
Working poor
Low pay rate
Occupational injuries, Fatal
Occupational injuries, Nonfatal
Unemployment benefits recepients
Mandatory paid maternity leave
Old age pension recipients
Human security
Birth registration
Refugees by country of origin
Internally displaced persons
Homeless people due to natural disaster
Orphaned children
Prison population
Homicide rate
Suicide rate, Female
Suicide rate, Male
Suicide rate, Female/Male
Depth of food deficit
Violence against women
International integration
Exports and imports
Remittances, inflows
Net migration rate
Stock of immigrants
International inbound tourists
Internet users
Mobile phone subscriptions
Mobile phone subscriptions, Change 2009-2014
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